We provide native application development in Objective-C and Swift for all Apple platforms.
From sketching screens on paper to adding animations and interactions using prototyping apps (Origami, Framer, Principle etc.), we design prototypes from the ground up. All you have to do is approve our designs before we start implementing them.
// TeamDetailsFeedbackCell.swift
// HomeSway
// Copyright © 2017 Geeks Invention. All rights reserved.
import UIKitclass TeamDetailsFeedbackCell: UICollectionViewCell {
@IBOutlet private var featureImageView: UIImageView!@IBOutlet private var featureTitleLabel: UILabel!@IBOutlet private var featureCountLabel: UILabel!func configure(with feature: Feature, count: Int) {let options = [.avoidAutoSetImage, .retryFailed]if let urlString = feature.inactiveImage?.url {featureImageView.sd_setImageWithURL(
NSURL(string: urlString),placeholderImage: nil,
options: options,
completion: nil)
}featureTitleLabel.text = feature.namefeatureCountLabel.text = “\(count)”}override func prepareForReuse() {
We combine beautiful code with efficient software development processes to deliver results that meet both your expectations and the expectations of your customers. We put a lot of effort into improving our developer skills as well.
We follow a continuous delivery approach to rapidly deliver business value to our clients. Continuous delivery helps us minimize the risks associated with a release, improve productivity, and bring transparency to our development processes.
Travel, business, shopping, and more – we’ve been building apps across all popular categories since the App Store appeared.
Below is our most common iOS app development tech stack. We consult our clients on tech stacks that will power their application before any code gets written.
Our team is constantly researching new blognologies that are poised to shape the world of iOS development in the near future. We share our knowledge and experience on the Geeks Invention blog.